Here is some delicious eye candy of the decor:
So after portraits Suneel had his Puja & Baarat.
However, shortly after Suneel got on the horse it started to rain!
That didn't stop the party though! What rockstars!
My favorite shot:
Hilarious... now this is a groomsman who is really taking the job seriously!
After that we all sort of crammed ourselves into a little covered entryway and waited out the rain for awhile. Like I said though, the rain did NOT stop this party!
Suneel's mom:
Finally the rain let up and we were able to move on with the festivities.
And then it was time for the ceremony (which was moved into the reception tent because of the rain).
I adore this shot that Jill got of the groom's brother, Sanjay, and their mother.
The girls waiting to enter:
The beautiful bride enters with her father! Another amazing image from Jill.
I know I said it in the last post but seriously... I just ADORE how Suneel looks at Leena. It gives me the warm fuzzies inside! (shot by Jill)
The bride's sister is checking to make sure that Suneel gave up some good cash to get his shoes back from her!
And they are MARRIED!
Part 3 soon!