As the second shooter, I got to spend some quality time with the guys!
We had a hard time keeping cool since it felt like a sauna with all of the humidity! We kept trying to find spots outside that were in the shade and close to the door so that they guys didn't work up too much of a sweat before the ceremony.
Here is a great trio of E! Right before Ashley came down the isle the sweat was just pouring down his face and being the awesome best man that he was, his brother dabbed his face. I love the last one of the three, this was when he saw Ashley walking down the isle.
I'm telling you it was HOT outside!!!
I adore this shot looking down on them as they are walking down the isle, it feels so intimate even though it was a moment where all eyes were on them!
I love Ash's mom shoes! I had to steal a picture of them!
Gotta love the first dance pictures!
Ash & Her mom had a mother/daughter dance and I don't think there was a dry eye in the house.
The Hora! Poor Ash looks TERRIFIED!
The band Prime Time was SO AWESOME. I have already inquired about them playing at MY wedding next year. They did a little number where the girls sany to "I will survive" and the boys came back at them with a little "Soulman". It was hilarious. After that they went into the Grease Mega-Mix with plenty of audience participation.
And finally... who doesn't love a little cake in the face!
Thanks for having me along Kate. It is a blast shooting with you, your clients are always awesome and up for anything! I can't wait for tomorrows wedding!
Stay tuned, in the next few weeks I will have pictures from tomorrows wedding, baby Charlie's newborn session, Lizzie's senior pictures & Carley & Steven's awesome wedding in Ohio!