Carley & Steven!!!

Dressed as Pee Wee & Miss Yvonne for Halloween! How cool is that?!
Carley and I have been friends for quite a while... hmmm I can't even remember when she started at the local photo lab I worked at as our Studio Photographer...either way it seems like I have known her forever!
This girl and I have been through a lot of tough stuff in our lives since we have been friends and I always think of her constant unconditional support and friendship through those events and smile. I am so lucky to have friends like that in my life.
So after all we have been through there had been a time where we had not kept in close contact, I had moved down to Kentucky and she was working hard to grow her business along side of a messy divorce and the lost of her beloved doggie.
To keep up with her I started to read her myspace blog. She is such an eloquent and quirky writer and much of what she shared was deeply personal and touching. She just put herself out there for everyone to see. I am convinced it helped other people just as much as it helped her get through everything. Actually... before Jonathan and I started dating and were just friends I pointed him to her blog since he was dealing with many of the same feelings and emotions as she was through his divorce. They quickly became myspace friends too!
Somewhere along the way she met Steven! I am pretty sure it was through myspace blogs and mutual friends. Crazy huh?! I have yet to meet this amazing man but I already love him and everything that he is to my dear friend Carley.
They did the long distance thing for quite awhile and then Steven sold his home, quit his job and transported himself to Northwest Ohio! Now THAT is love because let me tell you, there isn't much going on there!
Last month they took a much needed vacation to Jamaica where Steven popped the question!

How cute are they?!
They are going to be having a small wedding in a small old (restored) movie theater in September and I get to be the lucky one to capture all of the moments for them!
Carley, I promise I won't end up drunk, dancing on tables while our friends ex-husband puts money down my skirt with his teeth!
(Yes, that really happened at her first wedding where I was a very drunk guest)
I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks for your engagement session!!!!! Both of them are true artists so I am super excited about all of our ideas for the shoot!

All the photos were stolen from Carley's myspace page!
edited to add this cute picture of Carley and I from fall 2004:

hmmm I think it might be time to change my hair color... I miss my red. What do you all think?