Ok....so I know Christmas has come and passed but I just finally had the time to sit down and look at some of the photographs I shot while I was out there! This was the first Christmas since 2001 that my Mom, Uncle, Grandparents & I were able to spend together. We had such a nice time and I treasured every moment! Here are some of my favorite shots from the trip:
For the first time in my life (that I can remember) I baked Christmas cookies with my mom!

This is Kirby, my uncles 17 year old cat! He is such a sweetheart. One of the days though I had an alergic reaction to him where my eye nearly swelled shut!

On the Saturday before Christmas we went to
The Getty Villa in Malibu. I had not been there before even though I have visited the other museum many times. The weather was perfect, and it was absolutely breathtaking.
This image of a pomegranate tree was taken in the courtyard. I adore this image, the vibrant colors and the fruits on the tree! I think I am going to make a print of this for the house.

My Grandfather laughing over lunch & one of my grandma trying to get cell phone reception!

On Christmas Eve we went to the
Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. I have to say, while it was really nice it did not rival the
Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN that Jonathan took me to when we first met!
Here are two shots I grabed looking at all the tanks. I just have to say that it was HUGE of me to take the picture of the Jelly Fish! I HATE JELLY FISH! I won't go into detail but when I saw them in the tank in Gatlinburg... well... lets just say... I couldn't look!

Once we went to the outdoor part of the aquarium we were able to pet sting rays and sharks! We also went into an aviary that had tons of Rainbow Lorikeets. Of course we had to go in! My mom is a bird fanatic and to be honest, it was just really cool, they are breathtaking birds!

Here are some shots from when the birds landed on my mom, uncle and grandfather:

That about sums it up for me! I was really missing Jonathan on our first Christmas as a couple but we both know that the rest of our Holidays will be spent together any way that we can!
More updates to come soon!